It’s easy to find free tips for Cheltenham, but it’s not easy to find free tips that are worth following. My track record as a professional punter, and my tipping record is extremely good. You just won’t get that level of expertise for free. Over four days betting the worst tipster in the world can get enough luck to win money, likewise the best in the world, can have enough go against them to lose money, but the best have a far greater chance of ending the week with a decent profit. I will be spending hundreds of hours studying all the races at the 2019 Cheltenham Festival, and for a small fee I will share my expert advice with you.
Before you place any bet you need to be confident the horse has more chance of winning, then the odds suggest, some people are very good at this, some aren’t, but once luck evens out, it’s the people who can assess probabilities accurately that will beat the bookies. If you want to maximize your chances of making money during Cheltenham 2019, then select your preferred option, and sign up for my expert advice and tips for Cheltenham 2019, using the Paypal buttons on the right.
My name is Declan Meagher and I’ve been a successful professional gambler for 18 years. In October 2013 I launched my Premium Advisory Service in which I email members my best bets each day. There is about an average of 15 bets a week. The profit since launch until the end of February 2019, for the Premium Bets and the Festival Packages combined, which Premium Members also receive, is + 1,895 points, which is +€47,375 at the recommended €25 a point stakes, for an exceptional ROI of +18.4%. The figures quoted don’t include any BOG either. The recommended starting betting bank for €25 a point stakes is €3,500, so that’s a remarkable 1,354% bank growth in just over five years. My full results are proofed to the Smart Betting Club.
We have proofed all of Declan’s Learn Bet Win tips since he began back in October 2013 and have been mightily impressed by the long-term profits he has made for those following him in. His ROI and ROC stats are exceptional and he offers strong customer service and good odds availability plus a very easy to follow approach. He is now one of our top-rated tipsters and a welcome member of our Hall of Fame.
How have my tips done at past Cheltenham Festivals?
This website was launched before the 2013 Cheltenham Festival and my tips have made a profit in each of the six years since. The total profit is +326 Points, for a remarkable ROI of +54%. At just €25 a point that would be a profit of +€8,150. The 4 day package fee of €65 +VAT is a very small percentage of those profits. Those results don’t count extra advice like last year on the Friday when I also advised members to do the reverse forecast on Farclas and Mr Adjudicator in the Triumph Hurdle and they duly came first and second, with the straight forecast paying 73.73 for a 1 point stake, meaning a profit of 71.73 points for a 1 point reverse forecast. The results also don’t count BOG so are even better again. You can view my full Cheltenham Tips Results here.
What time will the emails be sent?
I will send the email between 9:30 and 10:30 each morning, the exact time will depend on factors such as the price of the horses I fancy, and I will send the email at what I believe is the optimal time to maximize subscribers profits. Waiting till 9:30 will ensure the markets are very strong so everyone should have no trouble getting on. If you join after the email has been sent, you will receive it a few minutes after the payment process has completed.
What date does the Cheltenham Festival 2019 start?
The 2019 Cheltenham Festival kicks off on Tuesday the 12th of March, and runs for four days. The last day is Friday the 15th of March, with the big race of the week, the Cheltenham Gold Cup.
What info will the email have, and why should I subscribe?
The email will include all the bets I think are worth having. I will include my analysis for each selection, detailing the reasons why I think the horse is a good bet. I will also add any opinions I think might be of value for any other horses, that I might not necessarily be tipping, it might be a horse I think could drift to a back-able price, or a negative for a fancied horses chances. There will very likely be races with more than one selection, as with such competitive markets, there should be plenty of value bets to be found. For an example check out my Preview for Gold Cup day in 2018.
There is no guarantee of profits in gambling, especially when luck plays a part over just 4 days. That’s why all anyone can do is maximize their chances of making a profit, and I believe that with my record, you will be doing just that by subscribing to my email list. The fee is very cheap for the level of expertise you will be paying for, and I will be spending hours every day finding the best bets to pass on to you.
Will some of the Tips be the same as the Ante Post Tips?
It’s possible some will be, but not many as I’ll only be previewing a few races Ante Post. The tips in my Countdown Blog are horses I think are good bets at the time I tip them, but a lot can change between then and the day of the race. Prices can shorten, or lengthen, and on the day we have a lot more info to base our decisions on. The tips I email on the day of the race will thus be judged totally on their own merits. There will be plenty of bets each day that weren’t Ante Post Tips.
What will the staking advice be?
The stakes will be similar to my Premium Advisory Service. They will be between 1 and 8 points Win, or Each Way. The stakes will be based on the price, with the aim being to return around 20 points on the win part of the bet. For example a 6/4 shot would probably be a max 8 point bet, were as a 20/1 shot will be either a 1 point win, or 1 point each way bet.
Some tipsters advocate level stake betting, but this is extremely flawed. You should never be having the same stake on an average 20/1 shot, as a 6/4 shot. For more on correct staking read the articles in my Betting School. It’s entirely up to you to decide how much 1 point is. For some it will be €2, for others €100. It should be based on how much money you have for your betting bank. Remember don’t bet with money you can’t afford to lose.
How much will it cost?
The fee is €20 + VAT per day, with a special offer of €65 + VAT for all 4 days tips. There is also an option for the last 3 days for €50 + VAT, or the last 2 days for €35 +VAT. You can select whichever option suits you best, and pay securely with Paypal. You don’t need a Paypal account to pay, just select the option to pay without a Paypal account when it presents itself. Make sure you add the email you want the tips delivered to in the email field, as it is this email that will get added to my subscribers list.
Email Delivery and Spam Settings
The tips will be emailed from so ensure that your spam filter allows that email address. You will receive a confirmation email straight away so if you don’t receive it please email me. Your card will list LBW for the transaction which is the initials for my main website Learn Bet Win and my Paypal account is in that name.
Please select which option suits you best, and join securely with Paypal. You don’t need a Paypal account. To join without a Paypal account just select the ‘use a debit/credit card’ or ‘continue as a guest’ option on the next page. Some mobile devices might not display these options, but you can change your browsers settings to display the desktop version of the site.